
ghost town [ gōst toun ]


a site, town, or region which is a shadow of its former self, and (one of the following ambiguities):

GTC pickaxe image nobkgd has no physical evidence remaining (i.e., Buckskin Joe and Yankee)

GTC pickaxe image nobkgd has some physical evidence remaining, including artifacts, partial structures, and even complete (though often uninhabitable) structures (i.e., Caribou and Carson)

GTC pickaxe image nobkgd is still partially occupied and maintained by a small (sometimes seasonal) population, and no longer functions according to its original purpose (i.e., Nevadaville and St. Elmo)

Since 1958, the Ghost Town Club of Colorado has explored, enjoyed, and preserved ghost towns, mining camps and their allied subjects and history.


We are an active and energetic group of people with diverse backgrounds who share an interest in the history of the west.

Photo Credit: GTC member Jason Messing

We research, visit, and learn about historic sites, and we are committed to preserving these sites for future generations.

Photo Credit: GTC member Jason Messing

We are passionate about historic preservation, and preservation work is occasionally done in conjunction with field trips.

Photo Credit: GTC member Jason Messing

Ron Morse 74 - High Res